ClassRoom Traing

ClassRoom Traing

  • 100% Certification and Job oriented
  • AAPC curriculum for CPC Exam-2018
  • Training support by World record trainer-Dr Guptha-42 certifications
  • Free Training Material
  • ICD-10-CM, CPT 2018 in detail
  • HCPCS 2018
  • Basic, Advanced questions
  • Practice sessions, extended study hours
  • One to one focus
  • EM coding and Surgery Coding
  • Daily and Weekly tests
  • 5 CPC Mock exams
  • Training duration-2 months-5 days a week @ 2 hours per day
  • Fees-22000 INR (PLUS Taxes)
  • Includes Material
  • CPC/CCS Exam booking Guidance